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In Unlike monochrome displays, but the viability of which depends on the temperature contrast of the display is not necessary to adjust when the display temperature rise. High-resolution display and large symbols makes reading comfortable for the operator. (A valuable related resource: Adroll). Convenient interpretation of the flaw in using the color display to interpret the signals. For each channel is fixed a certain color, color display is used to highlight specific information for more than a simple, rapid and reliable analysis of displayed signals. Use color to distinguish from the grid signal, and different colors make it easier to compare current images with stored previously. The operator can choose to display the phase plane, Cartesian coordinates or histogram for convenience interpretation of results. Lightweight, durable and portable Portability – this is the main feature of the series of devices Phasec 3.

Weight of the device along with a set of batteries only 1,1 kg and the size is comparable with the book in hardcover. Each device is in a strong safe housing and its components can withstand moisture, adverse weather conditions. Despite the large screen, the enclosure unit as compact. Modern technology manufacture of batteries provides battery life up to 6 hours, used battery has no memory effect. In addition, when creating a device specially pawned interchangeability of accessories such as probes, cables, samples, thereby reducing the package carried by the operator in the control. Easy to use and versatile Governance series devices Phasec three inherited from Phasec 2 and Locator. Thus, operators who are familiar with the work of these devices will be able to master the instrument series Phasec 3 minutes.

Diesel Fuel Injection Equipment

Pressing the lever, the person does not directly increase the supply of fuel, but only changes the program of work for regulators, who have themselves alter the flow of a strictly defined depending on the number of revolutions, the pressure boost lever knob, etc. In modern marine diesel engine fuel injection equipment usually involves the use of fuel injection pump of two types: in-line and distribution type. Inline pumps are currently more common result of their design are the most reliable. Less common distribution type fuel injection pump. In these high pressure fuel pump injection system has a single plunger pair – dispenser, which was making translational motion for the discharge of fuel and the rotational distribution for the fuel injectors. Pumps of this type are widely used in diesel passenger cars and small diesel generators. They compact, have high uniformity of fuel in the cylinders and the excellent work at high speeds through speed regulators.

At the same time, these pumps are very high requirements for cleanliness and quality of diesel fuel: for all their parts are lubricated with fuel, and gaps in high-precision elements are very small. Since the early 90-ies has introduced an electronic control system of a diesel engine, allowing to optimize fuel delivery in all modes and due to this increase efficiency, reduce emissions and noise of the engines. The use of electronics in the fuel system, allows you to replace all of the types of pumps complex mechanical adjustments easier and more accurate. Injection of the fuel injection pump at the same time usually remains unchanged. Another important element of the fuel system is the nozzle and tube pressure. They, along with a high pressure pump provides the supply is strictly metered amounts of fuel into the combustion chamber.

Adjusting the opening pressure of the nozzle determines the operating pressure in the fuel system, high-bandwidth pipes pressure determines the uniformity of the fuel metering, and the type of nozzle determines the shape of jet fuel, which is essential for the process of ignition and combustion. Are usually used two jets types: with or shriftovym mnogodyrchatym distributor. The nozzle on the engine operates in very difficult conditions: needle spray makes reciprocating motion with a frequency in half less than the turnovers engine, and at the same gun in direct contact with the combustion chamber. Therefore, the spray nozzles are made of heat resistant materials with high accuracy and precision is an element.

Agrotechnical Requirements

With the technological scheme with preliminary removal of foliage machine must be collected in the bunker at least 70% of the crop foliage. When cleaning the tops are not allowed to collapse rows of potatoes wheel assembly, the destruction of tuberous nests, extracting tubers on the surface of the field or being damaged. machine continues to collect the tops in the hopper and unload it in vehicles or collect it at the end of estrus in a heap. It should also be provided for spreading chopped tops in the field. Potato and potato harvesters have to dig up the tubers at a depth of 21 cm and a width of nests tubers to 40 cm Potato should draw on the field surface at least 95% of the crop of tubers. Tubers dug dvuhryadkovym diggers sifting type should be stacked strip no wider than 1 m. With separate cleaning Potato tubers should be dug to lay a felling of two, four or six rows.

This should remain the passages for the wheels combine-up. The width of the roll formed from two dug rows should be no more than 70 cm, and four – six rows – no more than 90 cm The thickness of the layer of soil and tubers in the rolls should not exceed 10 cm in the work of Potato allowed damage is not more than 3% of tubers by weight. Harvester shall collect in the hopper at least 97% of the potato crop. Loss of all species are not must not exceed 3%. Clean potatoes in the container should be at least 80%. Number of mechanical damage to tubers of all types are allowed no more than 12%.

When separate harvesting potato harvester with the selected device should collect from the roll formed valkoukladchikom-diggers, with two or four – six rows of at least 95% of tubers. Varieties of potato harvesters of modern potato harvesters were formed in result of the combination and the combination in a variety of relatively small amounts of separating and supporting the working bodies, different methods of issuance of tubers, as well as the use of different methods block design combines with power tools. By way of aggregation harvesters can be divided into trailers, semi-mounted, mounted and self propelled. The first and second type of processor can be divided into having its own motor for driving the working bodies or agencies working with the drive shaft from the tractor pto. However, the assignment of the combine to a particular class or group on these indicators have not yet completely characterizes its design and technological features. Therefore, as the most important classification criteria characterizing the technological scheme of the combine, take the following indicators: completeness of execution combine the required operations, sequence of operations of the technological process, the nature of a process of separation shallow soil, type of ground separating the operating entity, type of working body for separating solids; direction of the mass in the implementation process, method of collection and issuance of tubers. Potato harvesters must perform the following enlarged operation: broken into beds with tubers, the tubers separated from the shallow soil, soil clods, stones, leaves and vegetable matter; submerge the potatoes in vehicles. Each of the consolidated operations in the implementation mechanized by dismembered into smaller ones, running one or more working bodies.