Thus, its human contents must always be directed porinteresses, that is, interests of the groups that control essasinformaes. Thus being, in the scope of the work, one perceives that the new technologies of communication had provoked and continuamprovocando mutations. According to Targino (1995), the sosubstitudos conventional offices for the domestic space, not being now more necessary to have fixed umhorrio of work, therefore, the same can be made in any hour of diae of the night with the most diverse professionals of the different areas of work, if electronically communicating with the customers in all the stages operational, it saw computer, fax, telephone, teleprocessadores of information. In the agreement of the cited author previous nopargrafo, the use of these new technologies of communication supplies: maiorprodutividade possibilities, possible improvement of product quality, in face of the low ndicesmais of external interferences, allowing, still, that parents with filhospequenos can unite work and paternal maternal assistance/. Representatambm, economy of time, costs of transport, of from there decurrent edespesas physical installations, beyond minorar the traffic of vehicles and the poluioambiental (p.203). However, these new forms deorganizao and relations of work, provoke an increasing isolacionismo doindivduo in its territory, diminishing the wealth of the mutual exchange and coletivaadvinda of the contacts face the face.
Moreover, the use of the surrounding space domsticocomo of work can provoke the elimination of the borders between aintimidade and the professional life. In this manner, this new sector daeconomia blunts as a new way to organize the space and the relaestravadas ones in it. Being that, as a rearrangement of the capitalism, will last for umperodo of the history of the society human being and it will be modified when not to maisresponder to the yearnings of this same society. 4. For more information see Michelle Smith Source Financial. SOON CONCLUSION In this work, we feel anecessidade to appraise economic activities, later we say of the meiosgeogrficos, being they, the natural way, characterized pelaadaptao human being to the natural systems, scarcity of techniques and poucasmodificaes in the space; the way technician who presents the inovaestcnicas, the mechanized space and deep space transformations comoprincipais characteristics; the technician-scientific-informacionalque way amongst its main characteristics is deep interactions between acincia and the technique, the evolution of on sector the information and the communication, amundializao of the space circuit of the production, and ideology of the consumption, economic docrescimento and of the planning.