Monthly Archives: July 2014

Business Ethics

Seven points decided to plan during the world forum for ethics in business?Brussels, 19 November 2010-400 delegates, 25 ambassadors and members of Parliament from different countries as well as business leaders and businessmen gathered on November 19, 2010 in the European Parliament and people of all countries called in a world-wide live broadcast to confront the increasing corruption. The event was organized by the world forum for ethics in business (WFEB), a sister organisation of > the art of life e.V. <. The annual International Symposium for executives, which has ethical principles in business life to the theme, the WFEB merges with leaders to urgently necessary dialogue, turning to promote human values and an ethical attitude in business life. The economy is the basis for ethics. In a society marked by poverty, there can be no ethics. Ethics is synonymous with economy and is the Foundation of the economy the State.

The basis of the State which is the civil society. We must see them as related links. People develop slowly a consciousness for this thanks to the media. For the younger ones, this is an opportunity to wake up and realize that you can be successful with ethical principles. Very good gains can be achieved with ethical behavior”, so Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the International Association for human values as well as the art of living and co-founder of WFEB. Main theme of this year’s Symposium was leadership in the 21st century, time for a paradigm shift! “.” Financed by the Belgian Government, the initiative decided a seven-point plan, in which the delegates undertake to support the agenda to the fight against of corruption. According to estimates, $ 30 billion so far, as well as 25 million jobs were lost due to corruption. We have come to decide to become active. We have come to the paradigm shift ushering in.

Renewable Energy

Each day that passes are more convinced that non-conventional renewable energy (NCRE) or alternatives are a real option to industry and individual level to provide electricity not only sustainable but autonomous and, looking to the long term, cheaper. Was that one of the central themes of the seminar solutions with renewable energies not conventional who organized the Regional Government of Aysen, the University of Chile and the National Commission of energy altogether, and which met for two days in the Auditorium of the Regional Library to specialists in the field of solar energy, mini hydraulics, windgeothermal, and biomass. In what I showed it was more or less clear that the potential across the country, beyond some discussion about the figures, shows that we are a nation rich in renewable energy. And that will vary from region to region, depending on the most cost-effective energy in each zone. In the North is the Sun, and here in Coyhaique biomass, wind and hydro-electric micro power have potential Giants explained the doctor in engineering from the University of Dortmund, Rodrigo Palma, on the energy wealth of Chile. With respect to costs, he noted that these technologies tend to be more expensive than large scale solutions, but have many advantages in environmental matters, image and local development in terms of work. And the numbers are very clear. The expert delivered data for the potential contribution of non-conventional renewable energy and energy efficiency study to the electrical grid, 2008-2025 of the universities of Chile and Federico Santa Maria, which notes that in the area mini hydraulic Chile has potential to generate 20 thousand MW, in geothermal 16 thousand, in wind power 40 thousand, in biomass almost 14 thousand and 100 thousand solar, in total, 190 thousand MW. This volume, in the Central interconnected system today installed capacity is only 330 MW. For this reason, in his opinion, one of the great challenges should be flirting discussion of energy development with the discussion on the possibilities of technological and industrial development at national level in the topic energy.

Involuntary Drawing

In this study, salient that the evolution of the drawing folloies the development of the writing. Luquet (1969) In its study discovered that the drawing passes for period of training of development and ' ' it does not keep the same characteristics of the principle to the end. Therefore, it agrees to make to sobressair the distinctive character of its phases sucessivas' '. (LUQUET, 1969, p.135). Thus, the periods of training of development of the drawing are quatros such which: fortuitous realism, failed realism, intellectual realism and the visual realism. Pillar (1996, p, 29), ' ' being based on Ferreiro and Luquet, it considers that, initially, in each phase of the drawing it has a common origin escrita' '. According to author, the period of training of development of the infantile drawing folloies the evolution of the writing. Thus, each phase of the drawing corresponds the levels of the writing.

Fortuitous realism the child when it draws does not have the intention to represent the object faithful as sees it. This phase is divided at two moments. The first moment is called Involuntary Drawing that occurs when the child initiates the drawing without no intention to detail it. As the moment is intitled Voluntary Drawing that is when the child draws without intention to construct something. After to finish the drawing it establishes a representation of what she drew, thus giving the name to the drawing. When the child enters in ' ' period of the involuntary drawing, the writing starts as a drawing, in as the moment, the child enters in the voluntary drawing and its writing already is daily pay silbica.' ' (PILLAR, 1996, p.30). Failed realism is the period of training of the imperfection, therefore the child does not have control of the movement, thus does not obtain to perceive the detail of the object. In this A stage the child not yet obtains to direct and to limit its graphical movements in order to give to its tracing it appeared that it would like.

Arias Solis

THE child begging when a poor I ask bread don’t tell: uste forgive: because if you forgive the poor, will be your double guilt. Augusto Ferran. A rising phenomenon in begging is product and consequence, among other factors, economic marginalization. Even being an unproductive and parasitic activity is embedded in the sector of the economy as the residual and precarious. In the situation of high and prolonged unemployment suffered by our country, begging has been reproduced rapidly generating levels of activity between four and six times greater than the existing ones at the end of the 1990s, although it is necessary to note that the mendicant groups are nomadic, willing to move anywhere, with a sense of the very strong provisionality.

Almsgiving is a player begging phenomenon, in that it enables a continuous effect. People who donate charity meet the momentary need of the beggar, and, at the same time, favor their personal conscience. In many cases, the alms It is not more than a remedy against the embarrassment. Gives alms and frees the remorse of conscience. We believe that very commonly, at the mercy of the almoner there is no little hypocrisy and a conception of the world, according to a such predetermined order, which, as poor that must never be to stop being so, must always help you. Parents are professionals in the art of begging children, serving minors a function of seduction on the attitude of the citizens. The presence of the woman with child is more eloquent, more sensitive to the social claims of Almsgiving, therefore, the representation of women in the mendicant exercise is greater than that of men. This disproportion that is already important in the case of the bumpkins is more acute even in the case of Gypsies, in which the male population barely participates in begging.

Children, the latest victims of the familiar handling, are the group that sustains organized begging. More than 60 percent of the beggars Spaniards are under 16 years of age. The component children in family begging is preponderant, is the basic element that activates the attraction of Almsgiving, therefore, is exploited, especially to the children aged between two and five years, and even to age children/infant because they facilitate more still pitiful attitude. The marginalization and underdevelopment child become a marginalization and previous underdevelopment, located in the family. The problems of the minor is therefore a problem of family root and is in the household group where to focus preventive measures. For this reason, becomes necessary overcome ideas of the 19th century, which gave rise to patronize complaints; so simple and sterile, like those of the copla we hear singing in childhood: poor woman me das pena / when I ask alms, / having a child in their arms /, while you ask, cries. / While your ask he cries, / telling you of continuous, / that before asking for you, / before ask by your son. Francisco Arias Solis peace requests an opportunity.