Monthly Archives: March 2019

Superfund Includes Insurance & Pension

Up to + 50.2 percent net return on investment in only six months Frankfurt am main – the Superfund asset management GmbH, this week presented the results of their investment products for the first half of 2008. For investors, the figures were cause for joy. So successful, Superfund was never launched in over 12 years history in a calendar year. After four years of Seitwartsphase Super Fund returned with the best results in the first half since the launch of the first Fund in 1996. The managed-futures products from Superfund had already proven themselves since the beginning of the year in a difficult market environment. According to the society 2008 trend followers could compared to previous years, in which rather short-term global trading systems have achieved successful results due to the very short and volatile trends, in the year medium to long-term trading systems strengths show again.

This year our working medium to long-term trading systems awarded. So our products authorised for public distribution in Germany could ever after Record strategy gains between + 26.7% in A strategy and + 50.7% in the C strategy. Particularly profitable were among the rising crude oil and gold price \”, says Christian Baha, founder and owner of Superfund. Even more capital market dynamics will influence the ongoing mortgage crisis and doubts about the continued development of the world economy.\” The recipe for success of Superfund * all investment decisions are made at Superfund by a computer-controlled trend result model. This human mistakes due to emotional behavior are largely excluded. Hardly an other investment company relies to so consistently the modern portfolio theory of Nobel Prize winner Harry Markowitz, such as Superfund. Superfund follows the recommendation of Markowitz, to minimize assets, the investment risk through diversification of trading by over 100 different markets. In addition to stock indices, bonds and foreign exchange, Superfund is a wide range of raw materials.

The Diet

And it is absolutely wrong! Beautiful skin, hair, nails – the card of a woman, the object of her pride and envy of her friends. As rightly believe dietitians skin – the mirror of the intestine. Dietary fiber and mucus – the second wealth white linen – detoxify the body, bringing toxins. Only due to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract can lose up to 4 kg, without to the diet. The constant use of white linen helps keep her maiden harmony for many years.

For particularly delicate ladies, in whose way of life have already come a habit to organize yourself 'fasting days', the seeds of white linen – just a godsend! To cleanse the body and cleanse the digestive system is only two teaspoons of flax seed, plenty of fluids. White linen can be mixed with oatmeal, honey, cream cheese and a delicious lunch and, together with so, healthy dish. Flax seeds have the ability to swell in the gut. Because of this and a large amount of mucus improves his work and normal digestion of food. Third, and perhaps most important for female body miracle lies in the outer layer of grain. It turns out that it contains lignans, or so-called plant hormones. According to the structure they are similar to female hormones – estrogen. Estrogen protects the body against diseases heart, musculoskeletal, cancer, women's diseases.

Not by chance at lower production of estrogens to women brought down stream problems. Reception of products from white linen will help prevent disease, decrease the expression of hormonal imbalance, does not cause dependence and addiction. The advantage of phytohormones that they not only compensates for the deficiency of estrogen, but also normalize the number, because the surplus 'Bad' estrogens can cause the development of cancer and other diseases. Phytohormones inhibit the activity of 'extra' estrogen without giving them the opportunity to harm the body. It was discovered that plant hormones and have other biological effects – prevent the oxidation process, which is directly connected with the slowing of aging. So, here are three terms of feminine beauty and attractiveness that are available to every woman! And all that is needed to to maintain the beauty of hair, nails, skin, save it for many years the breast form and even girlish waist – is eaten at breakfast, 1-2 teaspoons of the seeds of white linen. Take flax seed better in its natural form. Should be carefully chew them and drink water, you can grind the seed in a coffee grinder. Derived from flax seed oil – an excellent salad dressing, it adds a little spicy and very pleasant taste. Heat treatment of linseed oil can not be subjected to frying is better to apply any more. Len – the most simple and useful tool for maintaining beauty and health of the woman! For reference: white (golden) linen – especially cultivated plant, a rich source of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, vitamins (A, B, E, F), minerals (calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, copper, chromium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium), polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega 3, Omega 6), phytohormones (lignans). White linen complex impacts on human health, eliminating many causes of anxiety, but they tend to lurk in the depths of our body. Disruptions in immune and detoxifying systems, improper metabolism, hormone restructuring – that's a small list of problems suffered by thousands of women and decide who to help white linen!