Monthly Archives: February 2013

Separate Technology

the integrated package of machinery, equipment and information – to acquire. To inquire about this aspect, 76 percent of the surveyed companies said not to have had any experience related to the negotiation of technology. This 76 per cent consists mostly of small and medium enterprises (85 per cent of all small and 72 percent of all medium-sized). In addition, 31 percent of large enterprises He stated having no experience in relation to negotiation of technology. Of the companies that reported having experience in the negotiation of technology, activities that were most often performed as part of the negotiation process were the search for technological alternatives (over 60 percent) and the search for advice in the country (over 50 percent). Draws attention, equally, that barely a third of them said having made an unpacked negotiation, i.e., separating the different technological elements that wanted to acquire and discussing the separate conditions of their transfer, which presupposes, in the sense indicated above, internal technological capacity of some significance. With regard to this last aspect raises some differences between sectors, since 17 percent of traditional companies with experience in negotiation of technology makes negotiation unpacked, while 52 percent of the companies in the mechanical sector says this activity. The effective acquisition of technological capacity requires resources that go beyond those foreseen to carry out the negotiation process.

The existence of formal terms in a contract of technology does not guarantee anything. For example, the achievement of a good training contract must be accompanied by close supervision and control over it, and this assumes mastery of purely technical elements by the enterprise receiving and not only the inclusion of this or that clause, which is certainly important, but not sufficient. Definitely by the above is determined, that much of the Venezuelan companies all focuses on the purchase of machinery and equipment – built-in technology – and given an importance of relatively minor to technology acquisition disincorporated, aspect this that houses a great weakness.

Buenos Aires

On a planet inexorably and interrelated inequitably, all local problems, cannot ignore equivalent situations that occur in other geographies. Neither nor approaches, these situations deserve academic areas that they address these topics. Thus, although the Argentine population concentration, has its own characteristics both of geographical type as a socio-cultural, it re-signifies in light of the current of thought that in the mid-1980s identified as problem to the metropolitan areas of third world poverty. That label, encompassed not only in Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area, but the Argentine lower metropolises. What was not said in that assessment, nor colegia for Argentine cases is the coexistence of poverty with the concentration of wealth concentration. Situation that was viewed as the typical dualism of underdevelopment in the Decade of the sixties. Is true that there are elements of theoretical cases and outsiders to rescue when it comes to deconcentrate, seems to us that there are distinctive for the Argentina. The concentration of poverty in a metropolitan area in a country of scarce natural resource endowments and low geographical extension, that Argentine Metropolitan poverty in a context of high availability of natural resources and much surface area available for human habitat and productive activities is not the same.

To account stop us later in the conflictive coexistence of concentrator and desconcentradoras, attitudes in the specificity of the Argentinean case; We argue that unnerve demographically in Argentina should not mean that render this concentrated in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, in other large urban centres or much less greater Rosario, Gran Cordoba, Gran Mendoza or great Tucuman. Deconcentrate demographically in the 2005 Argentina means tend to do it more balanced way that enable it pre-existing human geography and the location of available natural resources. A document of very enlightening reference of these potentialities, was known as a result of the parliamentary debate carried out in 1987, aimed at the removal of the Federal District. At the request of a national Senator, public ecological zoning conducted by the National Institute of agricultural technology, and which indicates based on a set of parameters where are the areas with higher and less availability of receiving human population and generate productive activities. It is notable in these times where academically passes through the field of Transdisciplinarity, returning of the compartmentalization of knowledge that had led the exacerbation of the mathematically formalized experimental science, as it can be verified at that stage people who from their almost watertight compartments, were devoting to study at times almost identical and similar problems or issues. This is the case with so-called human geography, that one encu

New Technology For The Achievement Staff

The need for achievement and self-fulfillment exists for the majority of people, it can affirm that it is a purpose, ask ourselves major objectives and achieving them is a wonderful thing, when a person has reached the success then radiates energy positive, improve your health and enjoys a deep satisfaction that comes from inside the person, for that reason it is no wonder that we are constantly looking for options that will help us to find that path to succeed. Imagine a splendid life costs nothing, the fact is that we have many desires to fulfill, to viewing them are filled with great excitement, unfortunately that illusion is very transient for large numbers of people, it becomes like a beautiful dream that we don’t want to wake up, to do so many times we have facing a harsh reality, good; that does not mean that we have impediments to achieve this, the opposite we have solid arguments to find favorable changes. People who have succeeded have had to go a way, overcoming enormous obstacles, spent moments of suffering, then We conclude that they paid a price, if others have been able to then we can also do it, now ask ourselves what are the decisive factors for personal achievement? There are many, we can mention the following: clarity of desires, plans, motivation, effort, perseverance, faith, determination, patience, overcoming fear, etc. The interesting thing about all of these elements is that it has a single root and is our mind, the big difference between winners people and others is the way how you processed the information in their brains that way efficient actions and achieve what you propose. Most know that exercise is good for health, but many people do not, this is because internally they have no such idea recorded with sufficient strength, our brain activity has a great influence on our mood and this will directly affect our activities, persons with positive and optimistic moods printed his world with that energy and that way they can materialize experiences positive, on the other hand some people strive hard but may not crystallize the best experiences, this is because that they mentally dominate negative ideas and bad beliefs. There is a way to improve mood States and brain frequencies, for example you know that chocolate and sweet in general help to control depression and stress to some extent, however there is still much more effective technologies to influence our subconscious mind with positive ideas, LA technology ISOCHRONOUS allows altered States of consciousness through sending signals to the brain that induce certain friendly StatesThese audio using isochronous you will get a great motivation, relaxation and a high State of well-being, this technology will allow you to be filled with positive and renewing energy, then you will print your life with positive vibe, all circumstances and people respond unconsciously to his renewed energy, thus the opportunities will be the order of the day to improve your life in all aspects. It is very important to remember that self-realization is an internal State, personal achievement is linked to learn to use creative energy, with the ISOCHRONOUS audio you will simply leave is carried away by a current winning, successful people have achieved it, but probably it has taken them a period quite long, when you use all favourable tools then is optimizing your own destinyits goals and objectives will manifest themselves rapidly and that is what most people want, find effective options.