One meets, also, represented in these two iluminuras the new Real Palace of the Ribeira, next to the Tejo, for imposition of D. Manuel, a time that was from there that they broke the vessels. Ahead of it the Place of fetichism of the Pao, that if opened to exert the place of an enormous square. The West its houses construam the nobles. In this height, the medieval structures of the city had suffered modifications, being that great part of them had been abandoned, giving to place the constructions traced to the taste of the Renaissance, fact harnessed for the wealth comings of India. However, this luxury was not expressed magnificent and sumptuosos palaces. In such a way thus it is that, in 1571, Francisco of Holland almost mentioned the monument absence to it in Lisbon. It stops beyond the Cathedral, whose foundation if gave in 1147, little more was counted beyond the manuelinos buildings.
Exactly the houses of the great nobles were constructed with architecture little to regulate, revealing only of great dimensions. In 1650, Joo Nunes Tinoco, arquitecto, made the first plant of Lisbon of that if he has knowledge. This plain one shows the left extreme of the city as one ' ' net of streets cutting itself in direct angles, whose aspect is very different of the remaining portion of the city that we saw to extend without plan nor law. ' is the High Quarter (…); ' (FRANCE; 1987:27). This zone of the city still today conserve the same aspect. In elapsing of century XVI, with the fenmeno of urbanism, two new quarters had been constructed, enter the edges of the Tejo and the Lark, in whose urbanization it was made of low for top, being that the first ones to be used had been the lands close to the river. There modest houses had been risen, of a nucleus of people whose profession if related with the sea.