English Game

Games such rarely produced. So this disc was essentially a pirate, but good quality, the text has been translated well, and it there very much. Huge dialogs with lots of characters do not have time to dissipate, I’m not saying that they should also read.

Benefit after the end of the briefing appears on the screen a few words, briefly and precisely explains the purpose tasks. In the video, too, have not stinted on the disk was present input video quality, the length of several minutes, povetsvuyuschy prehistory. Now let us play, for starters we suggest to choose a hero, or rather its specialization depends on it very much. Tactics play different types of very different, you choose a mage, and then an arrow will appear to you that you play even in a completely different game. And the game is present the compiler level monsters, and cards During the next (at the beginning of a new game) time will be different, and monsters, too.

The game also HellGate London is present separation of objects into classes, Some things can only be magicians, while others only Templars, all in Game 6 of classes, differ radically. Therefore, the game will want to go more than once. More tips to download the latest patch for the game, the zero version is quite hampered in some places, but after installing the patch, literally became a fly without a hitch. Patches without any problems you find in a search engine, such as Yandex, is for all language versions, English, Russian, etc. Just lekgo you will find nocd a patched version, and if you are the owner of Pirate, no problems. The passing game will take a little time, not even wasting time on side missions will take about 10-15 hours, and even more. The plot is quite interesting, but only if delve into the dialogues, so I advise all still read them. Speaking of the plot in a nutshell it is a struggle with the demons napolonivshimi the ground and threatening to destroy humanity. The game will have to fight kuchoy monsters, good game engine allows the use of large spaces, open space ‘run’ you will suffice.