Therefore, the related document makes this condition to have an efficient preservation. ‘ ‘ Depending on the material of which if it treats, the appropriate mechanism can be a catalogue, an inventory or some another way to register the form and the content of a collection, since its general characteristics until the different plan of suportes.’ ‘ (Ibid., P. 19) the preventive conservation is an old concept in the world of the museums, but only in last the 10 years that it started if to become recognized and organized. It requires a deep change of mentality.
Where yesterday objects were seen, today collections must be seen. Where if they saw deposits must be seen buildings. Where if it thought about days, now if it must think about years. Where if it saw a person, teams must be seen. Where if it saw an expenditure of short term, an investment of long stated period must be seen. Where if they show daily actions, programs and priorities must be seen. Preventive conservation means to assure the supervened one of the collections. (GUICHEN, 1995, p.2) the investments had passed to be redirected for programs of preventive conservation, enclosing collections in different supports.
Joan van Albada, in 1987, participating of the Annual Meeting of the International Advice of Archives, observed: The preservation requires administration, and not restoration. The good administration of archives points with respect to the organization of the quantities, and this for the preventive conservation, that includes security and adjusted planning of disasters, storage and manuscript, and access, by means of the reproduction. She still fits, to establish priorities, on a cost-benefit evaluation. (ALBADA, 1987, p.7, translation ours) 6Mecanizao? 1799 – invention of the continuous formador, for Louis Nicolas Robert, in France.? 1806 – invention of the acid glue, to the base of breu and aluminum sulphate.? 1844 attainment of the paper from cavacos wooden, in the Alemanha.Papis fragile? 1980: the concern with the bankruptcy of thousand of documents and books resulted in a movement to save the excellent information, that could be lost in short space of time.? Many countries had adopted the microfilming of preservation in cooperative programs of abrangncia nacional.5 ON the HISTORY OF the PAPELO paper are the traditional support of books and documents.