Monthly Archives: November 2017

Morocco Times

The question of which language served jibara the language of relationship can also support a historical fact related by the chronicler Cabello de Balboa, pointing out that in times of war between Atahualpa and Huascar, Cusco Huanca being the captain and the brave captain Auqui Pingo Indian Ximian Cusibamba Area (Loja, Ecuador)) came to conquer the Indians Bracamoros. To this the captain gave Pingo Inca l Ximian "much of the army, and tell him to walk (without Sinking behind the mountains) to Huancabamba, and that pass there and breaking the snowy peaks of those mountains weed straighten their way on the left hand, and give a weapon on that side, reveal the people o the valleys CALLANGAN, Tangoraca and Morocco and other neighboring … and matter, having spent much codillera came to find a valley called Palanda and Having to have with natural light skirmishes peace came to him …. and for these he dared to undertake Pacamoros … to put on top of a ridge called Cumayoro, and that fact makes a strong … grasses and branches. This called the natives Moronoma, and just were within …

toso agreed to punish those valleys in them … Trayan for its general at a chiefs of the peoples of Guambuco called Murunduro. "The driveway Bracamoros territory were two one coming from Loja to north through the valley of Malacatos, and another to the south, coming from the ravine Huancabamba Sapalache . It is obvious that these roads were already known and used from earlier times, and the Incas managed to get into Amazon territory and this area is Pacamoro obvious that the Jivaro were also able to do so in earlier times.

The Personal

Fortunately, I have not worked with pathological stubborn, rejecting all because it offers a woman. But to prove their case was worth a certain amount of nerves Technical assistance Men can not long ignore the competence of women, but quickly recognize her right to exercise is not included in its terms of job duties. In my case, tried to apply it to practice with amazing skill. One day debut colleague Michael gave me a box of chocolates, saying: "Maybe some tea?" Of course! I went to the kitchen to make tea. The next day, Mike gave me a chocolate bar. chocolate. and Once again, we drank tea made by me. And then he was without any presents "ordering" a drink.

Having once rejected, has depicted such a grudge Hollywood actors in comparison to him – just children. Other colleagues have also taken active attempts to sit on his neck, hiding behind a completely specious pretexts. "You're so fast typing! Will not you help to collect the text? I'm burning "" Do not send a fax, but I'm late for an appointment? "Be sure to help you, but do not expect I will be the personal secretary of each. Somehow, this fact was understood immediately, but when you realize that without any enthusiasm. Plus the fact that now I know: in the first place in the new place you should negotiate the terms of their obligations, then as painlessly as possible to dot the "I". Almost obsessive zeal courtship at work managed to escape – from the beginning all was warned that I have a loved one.

Inspector GBDD First Aid Kit

Hello my reader! I'll tell you real stories from my life! Where are faced with the inspectors and traffic police questioned the charges. I live in the region, and my wife to Rostov. So I often have to go there. Once I was riding with his wife in the city Chertkovo Rostov Region. It was evening and dark. At the entrance to the town I stopped by a patrol and asked to show documents. I got out and showed the documents.

Then he told mene "Show me a first aid kit and fire extinguisher" to which I replied. The rules of the road, first aid kit and fire extinguisher checked only equipped traffic police posts. (See also How to protect against traffic police inspector) on what I was told, "This smart then, having a car. " After the inspector noticed that my gauge is off the right rear lights. And I began to write the protocol. I also said I have to say, for whatever reason I was stopped. After that the rear clearance is not rear lights are not visible. I was told that a crime was committed by persons Chertkovo region, and they check all the machines.

The Inspector also showed me his official list of what he at that time should stand in this place. Writing the protocol, he wished a happy journey. But about a fire extinguisher and first aid kit more than never, no hint. So according to the regulations, road first aid kit and fire extinguisher, and all that relates to technical inspection the car held only appointed positions gbdd.