Monthly Archives: October 2013

Gaddafi Returns

New massive concentration in the city of Sebha. He added that the Libyan people not can pay back to colonization, so it has decided to live free or die in his own land. Colonel Muamar Gaddafi has returned to challenge NATO and Libyan rebels to ensure on the occasion of a massive concentration in the city of Sebha (South), that his regime will not end while finally reaches him because Libya is the people. They believe that the great revolution ends with the end of Gaddafi. No, because this is the revolution of the Libyan people, said the official in a statement to State television reproduced by the Libyan agency Jana. In addition, he added that the Libyan people can not leave petroleum nor his fate in the hands of a band, nor can pay back to colonization, so it has decided to live free or die in his own land. In this regard, it was emphasized that the authority is that of the Libyan people, this political regime is the regime of the Libyan people, elected by the Libyan people, decided by the people Libya and the Libyan people carried out. In his message he extended on this issue ensuring that NATO countries believe that the regime in Libya is as their extinct dictatorial and capitalist that reactionary regimes if he resigns a Minister or a Government Alliance falls the Government in a definitive manner.

But Gaddafi said that the difference with Libya is that in Libya there is a regime of parties, there is no Government and there are no elections. Future also announced that the revolution will be the poor, those who resist in every corner of Libya and predicted that if they are imposed in the final victory will oil be exclusively at the disposal of the poor and the facilities in the hands of young people who join the fight. The March organized by the regime in Sebha, about 700 kilometers south of Tripoli, under the slogan of the March of a million, is the second of its kind carried out once last Friday held a mass rally in Tripoli. On these marches Gaddafi declared that the masses of the free Libyan people sent another message to the whole world as already sent him last Friday from Tripoli. The Atlantic Alliance trembled, collapsed their castles and their morale when we made them understand the message of the March of a million () of which witnessed its journalists and its envoys who were in Tripoli last Friday, said the Colonel. About NATO I also assure you that it is falling under the feet of the Libyan people and the marches of the masses. Since the popular uprising of last February 17, which led to an armed conflict, Gaddafi resists the harassment of a few straggling rebels supported by NATO in the East of the country, especially in the cities of Tripoli, Sebha and Sirte. Source of the news: Gaddafi returns to challenge NATO and ensures that the Libyan regime not just with him

Southeastern Region

What one expects today of a professional is what it always expected, but in the past, given to the characteristics of market and competition, it did not make as much difference thus. I broke it of now, we have that preparing in them for the job that not yet exists. That ability we have? One expects that a professional, little importing age or position, has readily when it a solution will be requested, either internal or external it. For 1 time in history the people pdem to wait to live more than what the organizations for which it works, after 30 years of work in a company, still will remain in them at least 20 years of career for the front. ' ' Many professional positions in alta&#039 exist; ' , Engineers, analysts of RH, industrial Automation, Controlling, Professionals of the health, Right, Administration, technology of the Information.

Today much thing moved, each time more sees a new generation charged, more technologically advanced, taking decisions that will influence to them for the remaining portion of the life, and the great one concern is the lack of preparation for this scene. The Southeastern Region has more people of what the job demand, has that is prepared to migrar for other regions. Today the professional will have to possess some basic characteristics: to be pro-asset, to be generalista, to be flexible, to be inclined the changes, among others things. What it was good yesterday, today already is not so good and tomorrow, with all certainty, it will become exceeded. ' ' Its future one only depends on you constructs a vision of its proper future and starts to plan everything that is necessary for its capacitao' ' , and the money remembers is consequencia of a well made work. He evaluates if you possess these characteristics: To be a faciltador, comprometimento with the results, to be brought up to date, rationality, good level of general culture, to know its area of performance, easiness of relationship, to establish relations reliable and more than what everything to know to negotiate. It searchs if to adapt the changes. It has interest genuine for the people, it leaves the results to speak for you and it does not waste a possibility to learn.

Spy Equipment

Recently came across a nete a program for wiretapping cell phone. Proposed the program to listen to mobile phones Spyder-pc. After downloading the file, follow the installation wizard. At this point, if your computer program is installed Spyder-pc v. 1. 0. 2. Have all the modules, except for the executable file – Spyder-pc.

exe therefore run the program so far impossible. To be able to use the program you need to pay for it. Spyder-pc.exe Cost of the program 2500rub. or $ 110. You can pay in any city, using your preferred method of payment via the payment system. WebMoney Ruble – Payment button on the site. WebMoney Dollaroay – Payment button on the site.

After payment Program Spyder-pc v. 1. 0. 2. should send a message to the e-mail: Enter in the 'subject line': Translation Spyder-pc, but in the message body: the date, time and method of payment that you used. (with your account number) After checking the receipt money within 24 hours (maksimum!), you will receive an executable file (module Spyder-pc.exe), instructions for further installation and registration process on your system. WARNING! By the author is not liable for end-user, when you use the Spyder-pc v. 1. 0. 2. Please! For all sorts of freeloaders and grief-hackers, as well as avatar just like that. Do not waste your precious time on various issues and proposals, such as: '… What is the cellular connection?', '… I had to * exe, then zaplochu $ 1000 !…' '… We in no WebMoney!' …

Bullfighter Jose Ortega Cano

The word most repeated by doctors to the family is the stability of the right-handed. There is no protocol of possible interventions for the next few days. The Bullfighter Jose Ortega Cano takes three days without fever, although continues in the ICU of the Hospital Virgen Macarena of Seville, awaiting that in the coming days to operate you ankle, which would confirm that their State has entered a phase of improvement, explained this Sunday a family member of the right-handed. The word most repeated by doctors family is stability after the fever is gone, said the source, specifying, however, what Miss one day more, or some of them, to see the evolution. The important thing is that, despite being very little by little, we can keep trusting that good evolution. The source referred to possible tracheotomy that some media have spoken without much Foundation, as saying that it will intervene again to that, it seems as if there worsened, and is not the case, he said. He insisted that he would to the Bullfighter tracheotomy if you still need a tube for breathing, and would only be to relieve that State, as forecasting that an vocal cord can hurt. Only that. But you have to wait for what they say the doctors, who incidentally nor have informed us of any possible interventions Protocol for the next few days, he concluded. Source of the news: Ortega Cano takes several days without fever and is waiting for an ankle operation

Can It Be Too Feminine ?

I have a client, I'll call Julie. She is a beautiful woman and the setting that I'm working with the phone. She is kind and sweet and very smart. I love and she is working with me to improve social skills and so you can work better with men. I think I'm very good at it. I grew up with a mother who had eight siblings.

My father had seven brothers and I have two brothers of my own. I have a sister too, but when I was younger I was the girl in the neighborhood that could compete with the kids playing ball or pickle in the front yard. I liked to win. My sister was more on crafts and sewing. I chose the later going, but was never as talented as my sister in things domestic. I was the one who had to learn to be feminine.

I've always been "one of the boys" until college when I realized that was not being treated special by the guys at all. They were rough and tough around me and did not hesitate to speak out against me either. I remember once in college felt had had enough. I was a freshman and going out with football players. Everyone liked to hang me, but when it came time to ask the girls for a party, I was stuck on the country. I decided to change that in a blink of an eye. Disappeared. It did not go to the cafeteria to go out every night.

Billed Along Ended

The customer along with his wife’s comments who ended up in jail immediately after thought thiefs in a neighborhood ended up opportunity were bailed. Representatives ended up labeled to the neighborhood in close proximity to Welby, Leicestersh.Christian louboutin outlet ire, on Sunday by just a guy who reported they have dismissed from your job the legally-held shotgun during a number burglars. The guy, ol.Red bottom shoes leader 35, along with his wife’s comments, 43, ended up stored on feeling connected with leading to grievous bodily damages. Leicestershire Law enforcem.Christian Louboutin Pumps ent confirmed they ended up bailed. A couple of guys were billed along with burglary inside association while using incident. The guys, older 35 along with thirty-three, along with through Leicester, were remanded custody to be inside during Loughborough Magistrates Courtroom on Sunday. A couple of alternative guys, who ended up in jail on feeling connected with aggravated burglary, were bailed unresolved further more requests.

Poetical Energy

One of the biggest poets of the Portuguese language is known as Miguel Torga, pseudonym of Adolph Correa of the Rock. It writes poetries that they exceed, in my opinion, the poetry in itself. They are lyric, strong, objective poetries, that they are demonstrations of the intrinsic value of the necessity of the poet: not only ' cantar' , but, and mainly, to exortar its fellow creatures to live with all the intensity, the miracle that is the life. The power of the word, the force that can it infundir in the soul that looks its ways. The darknesses that can become vivifying light that to all the ways alumia.

For it, Torga, the poetry is not, therefore, only one personal declaration of feelings (what, by itself he can be deeply beautiful) The poetry of Torga, transmits us much more: the call to the Being, so that it exerts basic and all conscientiously its real potentialities. It writes Torga: ' ' It sings, poet, it sings! Violent conformed silence. Blind person with another light the light of the day. She disquiets the sossegado world. She teaches to each soul its rebeldia.' ' That is: The poet sings (the poet is poetry); the violent poet silence, therefore is by its very nature, a being unresolved matter; the blind poet with another one luz' (the clear words, verses) the light of the day; the poet disquiets mundo' sossegado' (the world that with the reality if conforms, being able, also to be mentally ill; the poet teaches to each soul its revolt (he shows to the possibilities/latent probabilities in each soul, so that he fights, in the direction to reach what he longs for, what needs basically to become fullfilled itself as creature) ' ' cantar' ' of Miguel Torga, he is same to sing of the restless souls, ' presas' , hindered, but that still they dream in finding the forces inside all necessary ones of itself for at last, to be become free of the fetters which are felt imprisoned. The freedom of the soul for sung it is not utopian, but dream exactly of freedom that will be able to be changedded into palpitante reality. Friends, let us sing all and let us join our souls so that let us can come to be the constructors of a world better! NOTE: Inhaled in Torga, I not only wrote ' ' My Cantares' ' , as ' ' To awake of the Ser' ' , enrolled in ' ' Talentos' ' , but not classified. The readers will be able to catch the vigorous message that sending for all how many to read them and they will have sensitivity to absorb, in its souls, so strong and incentivadoras messages. Favours I relieve God and Miguel Torga! Mirna Cavalcanti de Albuquerque

Bullfighter Jose Ortega Cano

The word most repeated by doctors to the family is the stability of the right-handed. There is no protocol of possible interventions for the next few days. The Bullfighter Jose Ortega Cano takes three days without fever, although continues in the ICU of the Hospital Virgen Macarena of Seville, awaiting that in the coming days to operate you ankle, which would confirm that their State has entered a phase of improvement, explained this Sunday a family member of the right-handed. The word most repeated by doctors family is stability after the fever is gone, said the source, specifying, however, what Miss one day more, or some of them, to see the evolution. The important thing is that, despite being very little by little, we can keep trusting that good evolution. The source referred to possible tracheotomy that some media have spoken without much Foundation, as saying that it will intervene again to that, it seems as if there worsened, and is not the case, he said. He insisted that he would to the Bullfighter tracheotomy if you still need a tube for breathing, and would only be to relieve that State, as forecasting that an vocal cord can hurt. Only that. But you have to wait for what they say the doctors, who incidentally nor have informed us of any possible interventions Protocol for the next few days, he concluded. Source of the news: Ortega Cano takes several days without fever and is waiting for an ankle operation

Celsius Ceiling

On the Ukrainian market of finishing materials ceilings relatively recent, but already the benefits of suspended ceilings and appreciated by consumers and interior designers, and representatives of the companies-builders. AND really – all the advantages that are inherent tension ceilings, so obvious that the owners of a stretch ceiling often left very satisfied. Let’s take a closer look at the fact a number of advantages that release the suspended ceiling, among other finishes. Installing suspended ceilings only takes a few hours, with the installation runs without rearrangement of furniture and no debris. Stretch ceilings are not require special care, and if necessary can be easily removed. Practice shows that the suspended ceiling is often changed because of the desire to change the interior, rather than for other reasons.

Stretch ceilings are very strong – 1 m2 stand load equal to 100 kg. Also of note is moisture-resistant stretch ceilings. For example, if the neighbors from upstairs forget to close the valve, the ceiling will protect from flooding your apartment – within 2 days About 60 liters of water can be retained ceiling without any consequences. Stretch ceilings are environmentally friendly and safe – they do not emit harmful substances do not contain allergens that have no smell. Also very important is the fact that tension fireproof ceilings and trudnosgoraemy (have a fire safety certificate M1). Stretch ceilings significantly increase the thermal insulation of the room, which is especially important in cold winters or instability of the heating systems.

Attenuation of stretch ceilings have a positive impact on the acoustics of the room. Separately, we note that in the stretch ceilings does not settle the condensate. This allows you to easily install suspended ceilings in high humidity – in swimming pools, bathrooms, nursery, health and spa facilities. In short stretch ceiling installation technology can be described as follows: on the walls of the molding firmly fixed, then at He fastened the canvas. Then the room is heated to a temperature termopushkoy 50-60 degrees Celsius, and heated by the film becomes soft and supple making it possible to stretch the canvas. After normalization of temperature fabric forms a perfectly flat plane. In this design allows you to stretch ceiling mount any, even very sophisticated lighting systems, up to the painting of light – a special type of design based on fiber-optic systems. As for the price of a stretch ceiling, you can just take a calculator and calculate. As a result, it appears that the suspended ceiling generally cheaper than hanging, painted and wallpapered counterparts. You take into account the cost of services for the removal of old coatings from the ceiling, materials and work on leveling the ceiling, the installation and the time required for cleaning, right? That leaves a total of that tension ceiling and more profitable. As you know, everyone chooses for themselves. But usually the person wants to choose the best.

International Advice

Therefore, the related document makes this condition to have an efficient preservation. ‘ ‘ Depending on the material of which if it treats, the appropriate mechanism can be a catalogue, an inventory or some another way to register the form and the content of a collection, since its general characteristics until the different plan of suportes.’ ‘ (Ibid., P. 19) the preventive conservation is an old concept in the world of the museums, but only in last the 10 years that it started if to become recognized and organized. It requires a deep change of mentality.

Where yesterday objects were seen, today collections must be seen. Where if they saw deposits must be seen buildings. Where if it thought about days, now if it must think about years. Where if it saw a person, teams must be seen. Where if it saw an expenditure of short term, an investment of long stated period must be seen. Where if they show daily actions, programs and priorities must be seen. Preventive conservation means to assure the supervened one of the collections. (GUICHEN, 1995, p.2) the investments had passed to be redirected for programs of preventive conservation, enclosing collections in different supports.

Joan van Albada, in 1987, participating of the Annual Meeting of the International Advice of Archives, observed: The preservation requires administration, and not restoration. The good administration of archives points with respect to the organization of the quantities, and this for the preventive conservation, that includes security and adjusted planning of disasters, storage and manuscript, and access, by means of the reproduction. She still fits, to establish priorities, on a cost-benefit evaluation. (ALBADA, 1987, p.7, translation ours) 6Mecanizao? 1799 – invention of the continuous formador, for Louis Nicolas Robert, in France.? 1806 – invention of the acid glue, to the base of breu and aluminum sulphate.? 1844 attainment of the paper from cavacos wooden, in the Alemanha.Papis fragile? 1980: the concern with the bankruptcy of thousand of documents and books resulted in a movement to save the excellent information, that could be lost in short space of time.? Many countries had adopted the microfilming of preservation in cooperative programs of abrangncia nacional.5 ON the HISTORY OF the PAPELO paper are the traditional support of books and documents.