African Expulsion

If the unfair expulsion of the Jews by the Catholic monarchs has been the subject of study and relief, it hasn’t happened so with the expulsion of the Spaniards of Arab origin, converted to Catholicism and stripped of their dignity and their property. We are rescuing our Muslim third, next to the judeo-Christian and Latin greco. We have lived amputees for more than five centuries of a fundamental part of our being, because of the ideology absolutist Catholic which, even in these days, acts with an arrogance and contempt of reason and of fundamental rights. Highlights our author some opposed to the expulsion and they proposed the gradual assimilation, but the most intransigent elements of the episcopacy held stronger proposals: slavery, the collective extermination or castration of all males and their deportation to the island of Newfoundland. And has this chilling fact: to banishment to the nearest African shore, sustained by the majority of the members of the Council of State, a Holy Bishop opposed a flawless argument: since arriving at Algiers or Morocco, the moriscos renegarian of the Christian faith, most charitable would embark them on desfondadas ships so that they sink during the journey and save their souls. In the debate the thesis that expulsion closed the shameful parenthesis opened by the invasion of 711 was imposed: Spain would be Catholic without any exception. They identified be Spanish with being Catholic, monstrosity that Rabbi Jesus would never have accepted.

And that it continues to encourage the trabucaires current bishops. The danger of the growth of the morisco population in contrast with of the Christian old because of celibacy, the nuns, the wars in Flanders and emigration to America is similar to the current argument of the ultras of European identity. Eunuchs from almost twenty centuries impose their totalitarian idea of the family to which they do not contribute by impotence, lust for power and greed of economic goods. The brutal conditions of the expulsion and massacres carried out of those who fled were received with sadness and compassion for a thinking minority, and cries of hatred and revenge by others. Why is not explained in the cultivated and modern Spain we do not conmemoremos the ignominy of that collective exile ordered by the followers of Felipe III, in 1614, despite being assimilated and become aware of the arrogance of similar bishops in the social life of the current Spain.

Jose Carlos Garcia Fajardo Professor Emeritus of the UCM. Director of the CCS fajardoccs@solidarios. org. It is the center of solidarity collaborations (CCS), is a service of social awareness of the solidarity NGOs, with the objective of informing and sensitizing the society and professionals of the communication on issues of solidarity, social, by a culture of peace, in defense of human rights, with special emphasis on the fight against poverty, exclusion and the protection of the environment justice. The CCS is based on the fundamental need to integrate information development and communication as an element of cooperation. Through its analysts make articles in professional format of high journalistic quality adapted to the spaces of the media and disseminated them through their international networks. In the CCS website (www. solidarity. org. is) all items, produced to date, classified by thematic areas can be found.