Existence of intermediate, what it considerably raises the price of the plastic to be recycled. Absence of directed lines of financing to the recicladoras. Absence of the code of identification of resins in many plastic products in accordance with norm ABNT NBR 13.230. This item makes it difficult the separation of the different types of plastics, appealing itself, of this form, to the differences of the physical characteristics and of thermal degradation, such as: density, behavior to the heat and/or test of the flame. Technology for separation of plastics exists, however, with cost very raised. It is important to point out that the PET and the PVC do not accept mixtures. Therefore, those that they desire if to dedicate to the revalorizao of these resins must have units for specific use of the same ones. So important and decisive how much to the selective collection to become viable the recycling of significant amounts of plastics they are: the creation of consuming market for the recycled products, and the IPI – Tax on Products Industrialized? that it finishes ' ' bi – tributando' ' the recycled ones, being currently of 12%, superior value to the one of the proper virgin resin that paid 10% of IPI, practically resulting in one I discourage to the recycling.
Although the people are premade use to be consuming conscientious and to collaborate with the environment, the same ones reject of general form recycled products, associating them it me the quality. The products manufactured with recycled plastics are few whose marketing if bases on this characteristic. Although all the difficulties previously displayed, exist innumerable cases of recicladores of plastics after consumption that had started today of shy form and operate with good edges of profit. Beyond the persistence, therefore the start, obviously, is difficult for all. Another determinative factor for the success of some of them, was the creativity to act of differentiated form, as much in the system of attainment of the raw material, how much in the improvement of the suppliers, or in the type of innovative application for its products.