Lothar Gutsche, Deputy. Chairman of CLEANSTATE, presented the annual general meeting the Board whether this incredible approach to speech and demanded clarification and the answer to the question whether the applicant, Mr Jorg Asterlosch, actually works for VW. Supervisory Board Chairman Ferdinand Piech shareholders publicly admitted, the it is to: my personal assistant “is. The present shareholders acknowledged this confession with horror. The name Asterlosch is explosive erweise Bill Piechs, namely on the conversion Bill of Office of Ferdinand Piech in Salzburg, which was paid for by VW through the account of 1880 (Piech/Pischetsrieder) and that has only a signature. Go to Peter Thiel for more information.
This Bill was passed a week after the testimony of Ferdinand Piech District Court and the public prosecutor’s Office in Braunschweig. Here the link to the account: der_Mann_auf_Piechs_Rechnung.html so is it to at a general meeting of Volkswagen AG. “This operation shows once again how important it is, that there is a truly independent pending institution, which on the basis of facts and on the basis of existing laws inconsistencies” in economics and justice the reason is. SGD. Prof. Dr.-ing. Hans-Joachim Selenz 1.Vorsitzender CLEANSTATE e.V. source and page information URL of the press release: Pressemitteilung_25_04_2008.html CLEANSTATE is a non-partisan initiative founded by dedicated citizens.
We are committed to the goal, to bring crime, corruption, cronyism and abuse of rights in politics, State and economy of our country to the public and to fight. We want that our laws back consistently even when the people come to the application, which position in politics and economy today protects them from prosecution. We study us itself and based on information detailed to to uncover specific offences, to bring to the public, and thus the justice if necessary to take action to force. We have been working or working mainly in large companies, politics and public administration and saw there the incredible abuses that we fight – this is our mainly the basis personal commitment and our success.