Social text projects, moved for ONGs and the proper government, aim at to the preservation of the Atlantic bush as one of the biggest wealth of the country, among them are distinguished, in Alagoas, the Arboretum project Campus Simes B.C. Located inside of the campus of the Federal University, the project counts approximately on an area of four hectares destined to the culture of Brazilian native species. Samples of the plants in areas of closed bush are collected, and in the Arboretum, these are developed to the production of changes and seeds with the purpose to reforest degraded areas of bush, distribution of the changes for urban authorization and also for developments of social projects of ambient awareness; that they go since the direct involvement of primary schools with the project, aiming at to the awareness of children on the importance of the preservation; to the initiatives as the collective young, that forms young between 17 and 25 years to the found conservation of biomas in our country.
The project counts on the support the university city hall, however, some difficulties are faced by its coordinators and assistant, the neighborhood little expert of the importance of the project, that finishes for destroying the plants in favor of its benefits staff; also the lack of social spreading and the subsequent decrease demand of research related to arboretum, are examples of these. The diffusion of the same with the purpose expanding is important and improving the ambient preservation.