PNL Exercise

Today I propose an interesting Exercise to you PNL for ayudarte to identify and to integrate some internal parts that have his " intention positiva" and that simultaneously limits and censures to us (You can unload it at the end of the article in And-Book-pdf format) the PNL proposes to work yet what it precedes to the behavior of a person, with the raw material of the thoughts and that includes the submodalities. Applying to resources and techniques of the PNL we can make distinctions subtle and identify how they are our thoughts, that characteristic individuals have. We think in the form of images, sounds, sensations, and each image, sound or sensation have certain characteristics great, small images, sounds strident, or smooth tenuous or intense sensations, etc With PNL you can to make distinctions subtler, soon to modify the images, sounds and internal sensations and thus to be able to modify the behavior .para que. .para sentirte better, to obtain better results and of improving your quality of life! You can read more about Submodalidades Here: > > > Submodalidades-List a very interesting case that with the help of the neurolingustica programming and its techniques, you can identify and soon to change is the one of " inner voices that censuran" those " Interiores&quot judges or Censors; that they give in all the cases one " opinin" too critical and unfavorable about that spontaneously we want to do. It implies rigidity and authority that does not mean " eliminarlos" , those voices have a message to give, very useful us and is necessary to know how to identify them and to give their right inclusion them. You can experience a little yet this and the PNL can ayudarte, since one of the effects to work with the neurolingustica programming, and their different focused resources to work with your internal parts, are to obtain a greater sensorial sharpness.