Teaching concept revolutionized market of hypnosis training Pirmasens to the holistic treatment of body and mind, 10.06.13 – when orthodox treatments fail, is no longer to deal with stress or personal issues affecting the life, is the last hope for many people of going to the therapist. Forgotten can of then commonly used hypnosis therapy again in memory call to edit past events that today cause blockages, – disease symptoms cure hypnosis cannot. Body and soul holistically with integrated FunktionsHypnose handle a completely new approach of Primasenser Sportphysio – and Hypnotherapist Christian toe foot track. The built-in FunktionsHypnose developed by it combines first property therapeutic and hypnotic techniques to a combination treatment and gives additional possibilities of holistic treatment therapists. Physical therapists lack of access to mental techniques often, a behavior change at the Patients can bring. Naturopaths, psychologists and hypnotists work on the causes of mental health problems, physical impacts can’t affect them but”so Christian toe foot.
The built-in FunktionsHypnose creates the link between physical and mental treatment techniques, so that body and soul can be treated equally. Application areas are, for example, extreme headaches (migraines), nervous concentration (ADHD) and nocturnal teeth grinding, but also various other ailments, caused have both a physical and a mental cause, can be successfully treated with this method”toe foot explains. Three treatment methods in education combines the developer of integrated FunktionsHypnose, Christian toe foot, treats not only themselves after his method, he also teaches them. In addition to a user course weekends, there are the level 2 training for students who want to work with iFH. These 4-wochtige intensive training includes both the treatment way hypnosis and physical techniques, like the built-in FunktionsHypnose.
In a theoretical and practical part of trainees on each of these methods is introduced and learns their practical application in training sessions. The education or training in integrated FunktionsHypnose is suitable for professionals as well as to the training course for physiotherapists, naturopaths and hypnotists. After their training the students are able, each of the three treatment methods independently or as a practice combination treatment – this with and without medical permission. Also the own career is possible with a level 1 Trainer course and the opening of iFH license school. The scholarship is unique: to promote talents and training to enable Christian toe foot offers the chance to complete the training free of charge a prospective customers annually. Interested parties can apply on the website of the iFH school to a Stipendiatsplatz. More Information about the integrated FunktionsHypnose and training under and the constantly updated blog ifhnz.blogspot.de company details: Christian toe foot is therapeutically active for more than 20 years, has successfully attended many training sessions and implemented what you learned. Since 2010 he is working with private hypnosis practice and iFH school in Pirmasens. The built-in FunktionsHypnose developed by him based on the inseparable connection between the physical and the mental. After an internal study brought positive results to demonstrate the efficacy of its treatment, toe foot developed his teaching concept. Today he trains in his practice and teaching Institute for integrated FunktionsHypnose the dentist today and teachers of tomorrow in this interdisciplinary method.