Decurrent Financial

The options are few: To enlist professional new m; To search a professional in competition or to expatriate an employee of the main office or another parents. Any of the three alternatives is very custosas, therefore to search a new professional requires expenses of conscription and election, adaptability in the new negotiates, the times adaptation to a new locality, etc; on the other hand, to search a professional in the competition requires in many occasions to increase the package of similar remuneration to attract the professional and finally, to bring a professional of annuls matrix or of one another parents require enormous expenses with change, financial package, education of languages and still the cost of an exchange in result of lack of adaptation to the Latin countries. 3.3? Decurrent Financial prejudices of the Organizations the disorganization generated for a world-wide, local crisis or for an internal disorganization, takes damages impreterivelmente the companies. In this study it is aimed at to concentrate in the damages due the lack of stability of the economic organization micron, especially in the companies multinationals. The generated organizacionais instabilidades in the companies in results of professional disqualification and desalinhamento of proposals of internal control and countable adequate norms are very known in Latin America. It swims, that it does not come to occur in developed countries, but some factors need to be elencados, such as: 3.3.1? unfamiliarity of the local controlling of the companies in the exterior, responsible for the lines of direction in the countries of Latin America; 3.3.2 – contrary requirements with the markets generating you practise commercial inadequate; 3.3.3 – adaptability of objectives in the annual budgets; 3.3.4 – lack of local leaderships that they withhold to be able to hinder you practise inadequate, as well as preventing international orders which cannot be accomplished in the parents; 3.3.5? act of contract of professionals with consequent exchanges and adaptations; 4.Conclusao Many are affiliated the forms to keep good control of distant, and the companies older multinationals already have a preconceived format of politics in this direction, to put, fit to stand out that exactly these super-structuralized companies still suffer damages due to adequate politics to its markets and competent and responsible professionals to manage its businesses. It does not fit here to draw reports for control of the operations, to put fits to comment some important points aiming at to cover almost that total the happened risks of the operations: 4.1Definicao and spreading of the internal politics, to demand of the controllers signed return.

The politics must clear and be emanated of the superior power of the company in the exterior 4.2Auditorias internal and external. Where it will not be possible to carry through internal auditorships, to certify that the external auditorship also carries through tests that tack proves the politics of the company. 4.3Pesquisas with main executives of the objectives and you practise to reach the goals, confidential, with the objective to identify to shunting lines or inadequate politics for some area. 4.4Conhecimento of the profile of the executives, aiming at to foresee futures politics shunting lines to reach proper objectives. independent 4.5Checagem of the local market, through research or consultorias, similar to get independent vision you practise of them commercial adopted for the affiliated one without its territory. Obviously, all other forms of control and internal reports must be used to measure the performance and tack the internal politics, as well as periodic meetings and affiliated visits s can assure an adequate accompaniment of the operations of each affiliated.